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Tags: syracuse university

B+H Top Weekend Pick: a Close fresh Catch

When I heard that Alex Giocondi, a fellow SU Whitman School of Management graduate, and Chef Joseph Miller were teaming to open up a new restaurant in NYC’s Chelsea ‘hood, I was so eager to see what they had created! Entrepreneurship has been brewing very well out of Syracuse University recently {Dream Water ring any bells?}. [...]


I’m thankful for many things in my life, but there is one that sticks out the most to me this year: my friends. When you live in a large city away from your family, it is your friends you depend on, get advice from, and know that they always have your back. My friends up [...]

Bikin’ to Brooklyn

Starting off my weekend with an intense spinning class at Soul Cycle? That’s pretty standard. Starting off my weekend biking over the Williamsburg Bridge to Brooklyn with my friend Tom for the day? Those are words I never believed would come out of this Southern Belle’s lip-venomed lips. But they officially did just a few [...]