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Category: Toodlin’ the Town

Nello’s Chic Bellini

Everyone has that one spot near their flat they pretty much consider their second home…you know, the place to go just relax and sip wine, the place to bring friends for a catch up or just the place to bring a book and enjoy a long {and leisurely!} weekend afternoon. My neighborhood fave? That would [...]

Hippity Hoppity Into L.A. Burdick Chocolate

Growing up in a household full of chocolate lovers, I was introduced to L.A. Burdick at a very young age. Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t grow into a baby chalupa after all of it! But when I went up to Syracuse Univ. for college and away from my family, I always made it a point [...]

Shop Wisely. Shop BeGood!

Between building houses in Tijuana {sans shower for one week} to being involved with the JDRF’s YLC committee, I thought my charity track record was well…quite charitable! But then I heard about BeGood Clothing and the two all stars behind the brand who not only have taken the meaning of being charitable to the next [...]

Bonjour, Macaron Day NYC!

Shh…did you hear? It’s Macaron Day in NYC today! Hola. But what does this all mean? Let me give you the Southern Belle scoop… me + francois munchin’ at his bakery Created in 2010 by Francois Payard, chef and owner of FP Patisserie and Francois Payard Bakery in New York, Macaron Day NYC is inspired [...]

Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses

a. sunglasses b. book c. chapstick d. quest bar e. sunblock f. evian spray g. ipod After endless browsing, pinterest hoppin’ and magazine stalking, I never thought I would find the perfect bathing suit to plunge into summer. But once I saw this month’s Vogue cover featuring Beyonce in a Jackie O. look with a [...]

The Fhitting Room: Workout Smarter, Not Longer

Let’s face it. It’s almost time to say “adios!” to the cold weather {not to mention the release of bulky trenches…}, and say “hola!” to sunshine, bikinis and more importantly, summer. Finally! And while I couldn’t be more ecstatic about summer vacays {“barthhhelona” is so calling my name} and flaunting a tanned up glow {mostly [...]

Happy National Nap Day

Between long weekend nights getting tackled by losing a beloved hour of sleep from Daylight Savings time, it’s safe to say we could all use a big nap. Well, it is National Nap Day after all! But where on earth can you go take a quick snooze in the city…Equinox? Nah. Starbucks? I’m fine. Well [...]

A Modern Art Affair

Partying like a wild animal all week for someone named Armory? Well, in case you’re not already in the scene of all things art, we’ve been raising our glasses to Armory Arts Week…you know, from cheering on Solange at the MoMA’s 2013 Armory Party this past Wednesday night to stiletto-ing uptown to the Museum Mile. [...]

Helping Others…One Vine At A Time

Known for its rapidly growing wine industry, Napa Valley is filled of all things culinary and chic…not to mention rich of rocky soils, endless vineyards and of course, sinfully delicious and smooth wines! But, what many don’t realize is its family-built history, hard work put into growing such iconic brands and most importantly, the wine [...]

A Flagship Of Iconic Shades

Getting a manicure? Yep, that’s pretty much on the top of my beauty errands list for this weekend. But after a long work week I’ve decided to bump it up and totally spoil myself! Top pick on where to get buffed and puffed? That would be the Essie Flagship Salon housed inside the fabulous Samuel [...]

It’ll Be A Zoo When B+H Turns Two!

Today marks a very exciting day…it’s Bonjour + Hola’s 2nd birthday! And oh my, what a fabulous ride it has been the past two years! A few of my favorite B+H moments…so far?: konnichiwa queen the best award of all cookin’ up a culinary salon with dan whalen from the food in my beard blog [...]

Not Stressed, Just Nepressed!

Not only the ideal time for planning holiday weekend trips, seeing friends and having breakfast in bed, President’s Day weekend is the perfect way to get organized for the week, shop ’til you drop and my personal favorite: planning your work week breakfasts. My system? It all starts with a double Nespresso in the AM. [...]