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Category: Toodlin’ the Town

Zip. Button. Tie.

Until recently, I had always thought that guys had it easy when it comes to fashion. I figured that all they had to do was button up a collared shirt, throw on some slacks, and top it off with a clean belt. Boy, was I mistaken! On a shopping excursion with my friend last week, [...]

B+H Top Weekend Pick #2: Go-Diva into Chocolate

I rarely post anything on the weekend, but I couldn’t help but share this delectable place I dove into yesterday. The 14th Annual New York Chocolate Show in Chelsea {on 18th between 6th and 7th}! And guess what? It’s here until this Sunday, so scootchie tootsie on over! Francois Pralus {owner and chef of Pralus}. [...]

B+H Top Weekend Pick: Go Wonder the “C”

Instead of relaxing in front of the tv or ordering in a plentiful delivery from Pick-a-Bagel after a memorable night of mischief, I double dare you to push through the tourists in Soho to meet an incredible new friend. Call him “C” if you wish. Short for C. Wonder, of course! You will catch my [...]

3×1: Jean Customization At Its Finest

Before walking into this hip building in the heart of beautiful Soho, I would have never guessed the uniqueness that would be behind 3×1’s doors. Inside 3×1 There were rolls of fresh jean material imported from around the world hanging on the walls {little did I know that there were 70 unique selvedge denims for [...]

Bonjour. Hola. Ciao Bella!

There is one thing that this girl can never get enough of…that would be any type of ice cream, gelato, or even sorbets for that matter! I have had pints from my favorite gelato makers, Ciao Bella, in the past via Whole Foods, but when I stumbled upon this delicious company’s spot in Grand Central [...]

B+H Top Weekend Pick: ING New York City Marathon

Living in the city, I’m sure that we all have friends who are participating in the ING New York City Marathon this coming Sunday morning. The runners hit up Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and even the Bronx! I obviously want to show my support after all of their hard work, especially my great friend, Katie [...]

In the Presence of Creativity

For me, creativity really sparks {especially in the kitchen} when I am inspired by someone that I admire. I am continuously trying to learn as much as I can about cooking from the cream of the crop chefs, and take their creativity into the dishes I make. Whether I’m visiting their restaurants, reading their cookbooks, [...]

Pure Barre Success: The Before & After

Everyone finds that one workout that they love, see benefits from, and rave about to their peers. But with Pure Barre, I’ve consistently seen a difference with my friends. One of which is my good friend, Elizabeth Bradbury, who has always been in great shape from being a fantastic runner growing up. But once she [...]

Make Your Body Pure With A Barre

5, 6, 7, 8 … Bend and stretch… Side to side… Wow, I didn’t realize what I was getting into when I signed up for my first Pure Barre class! I had been hearing rumblings on the street about this amazing workout that tones your arms, slims your thighs, and flattens your abs after only [...]

Last Potion for B+H’s Halloween Cauldron

Halloween is oh but so close away! Between attending cocktail parties or getting dressed up in glam & ghoulish attire to celebrate this holiday, there is one ingredient that I left out of the spells of Bonjour + Hola posts this week. That would be the one and only: Trick-or-Treating. Lets step it up a [...]

B+H Top Weekend Pick: The Ice Blended

The one and only, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, officially opened its doors in NYC’s Time Square this fall. It’s a “go-to” amongst celebrities in Los Angeles {if you read US Weekly you will catch my drift…}, but bringing it to NYC will take this franchise to the next level. If you’re a New York [...]

Goody Two-Shoes

Every fall, I’ve always found the most devastating part of cold weather soaring through the city is that I officially have to stop wearing my beloved flip-flops. If you know me at all, I practically live in my Nike high-heeled flip-flops! They are so incredibly comfortable, and I could walk miles on end in them. [...]