Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were filled with all the blessings of family and treasured friends. For me, it also included an amazing unexpected dose of relaxation. Living the insanely busy, hustle bustle, on-the-go lifestyle of New York City can easily lead to lack of sleep and stress, so I jumped at the
Thursday, December 22, 2011
It’s that time of year. Cramming for exams. Finishing up last minute work before the holidays. Trying to find the perfect holiday gifts for your friends and family. Or my personal favorite? Trying to catch your train at Grand Central! It’s all stressful…which is ironic since it’s one of the most beautiful times of the
New Years comes but once a year, and to kick off the excitement, Garry Marshall {film director} has released a continuation of his hit “Valentine’s Day” made up of “more celebrities than rehab” in his new movie, “New Years Eve”. According to the LA Times, the studio felt it would be beneficial to open the
For the next two weeks, Christie’s is giving you a key to open the door into one of the most fascinating lives in American history. This would be a woman who stopped people on the streets from her timeless beauty, who became the Queen of Hollywood and who also happened to have the most fabulous
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Alright readers, I’ve decided to take my creativity up a notch this holiday season with my gift giving. How? I’m going to make my own gift tags and greeting cards for my friends and family. With what? Starting with one word: a stamp. Oh, yes… Since I love to be inspired by other creative people,
Also filed in DIY, Entertaining, Holiday, Home, NYC, Office, Paper, Photography, The Arts, Toodlin' the Town
Tagged christmas, elizabeth baker, embossing machines, gift tags, glitter, greeting cards, ink pads, paper presentation, stamping, stamps, valarie torchon
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Dustin isn’t the only one showing his talent in the Hoffman house this year. His wife, Lisa Hoffman, has taken her incredibly innovative beauty line to the next level by introducing Fragrance Jewelry. A few weeks ago, I had the chance to go in and see (I mean, smell!) Lisa Hoffman’s products for myself, and
Monday, November 28, 2011
Finding a concealer? That’s a given for me…I always know that Trish McEvoy, Chantecaille or Giorgio Aramni can always save me from looking half dead. But when it comes to finding the right lipstick color? Well, other than knowing how to properly plump my lips, that’s another story for this girl. Edward Bess When I
Also filed in Beauty, Dating, Fashion, NYC, Photography, Toodlin' the Town
Tagged bergdorf goodman, chantecaille, edward bess, elizabeth baker, finding lipsticks, giorgio armani beauty, nude lipsticks, trish mcevoy
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I’m thankful for many things in my life, but there is one that sticks out the most to me this year: my friends. When you live in a large city away from your family, it is your friends you depend on, get advice from, and know that they always have your back. My friends up
Also filed in Around the Table, Cooking, DIY, Entertaining, Holiday, NYC, Photography, Recipes, Recipes
Tagged alpha phi, elizabeth baker, syracuse university, whole foods
Friday, November 18, 2011
As I was walking down Broadway this week, I was immediately drawn to the mysterious looks in French Connection’s retail windows. I went “arse over elbows” for this British line’s men collection staring back at me {you know how I love anything London!}, and began texting my guy friend who works at FC to find out
Thursday, November 17, 2011
One of my all time favorite things to do is discovering up and coming bands. Maybe it’s from previously dating a rising music agent, who introduced me to array of different music acts and venues. Or maybe it’s just from growing up in Nashville, TN. But, I just love it all…The excitement of finding a
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Growing up in Nashville, TN there are endless opportunities, especially if you want to get into the music industry…I mean, it is Music City! But, in order to succeed in that business you better be pretty phenomenal…there is so much talent out there! Many aspiring singers rarely make it past being the star in their
Monday, November 14, 2011
Until recently, I had always thought that guys had it easy when it comes to fashion. I figured that all they had to do was button up a collared shirt, throw on some slacks, and top it off with a clean belt. Boy, was I mistaken! On a shopping excursion with my friend last week,