Hosting a Super Bowl party this weekend? With guys AND girls? Well, instead of serving the generic pizza + hot wings, which honestly who doesn’t love on game day, why don’t we serve up something a bit out of the box + well-rounded this year? Hola. studmuffin’s love bucket jackie o’s While the guys are
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Although I shot these photos at my parent’s around Thanksgiving as “the perfect poison to bring for any holiday party” type of feature, the advice can actually be used in everyday life, not just in soirée season. From girls slumbers and award season dinner parties to my personal favorite of anything Valentine’s, every wine listed
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Looking for an out of the box evening with your bestie, coworkers, or my personal favorite…significant other? Check out the Sushi by Simon private or group classes! Hola. Let the rollin’ begin y’all… Led by Chef Simon Feil, these classes can cater to private seshes all the way to corporate groups of as many as
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
After moving up by Central Park, it’s pretty rare that this señorita will make the trek below West Houston Street just for a dinner. But after reading and hearing raving reviews on how fabulous {and an absolute must!} it was to try Charlie Bird, I thought “why not tweet tweet on down and decide for
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Looking to spice up an upcoming soirée with some Southern soul? Why don’t you pull a bonjour and host a bourbon tasting {featuring two to three} during the rage! My favorite picks to let the guests sip + slurp? That would be these Kentucky gems! Hola. the key is to place them like a southern
Before you ostrich your way into your next meal, check out my favorite table manner tips via Emily Post. Happy New Year, y’all!xx 1. Chew with your mouth closed. 2. Avoid slurping, smacking, blowing your nose, or other gross noises. (If necessary, excuse yourself to take care of whatever it is you need to take
Starting a new diet this New Year? Better yet, hosting a soirée or embarking on a holiday extravaganza? Well, let Boxtera help you out with the splurging, hosting, or travel eating! Sending out five different brands in your healthy package a month, Boxtera is the new go-to for all things sinfully free and health conscious…not
Friday, December 20, 2013
nyc tribe getting all festive in holiday gear at this fabulous flat Holiday parties are all about celebrating, dressing up to catch up, and my personal favorite: jingling + mingling. Hola! So when my boss decided it would be totally fun to combine our friends and throw a party at his listing overlooking Gramercy Park,
Monday, December 16, 2013
Hosting a holiday party soon? Or planning to attend one in between? Check out these fabulous etiquette tips from Emily Post to make sure you throw one stellar soirée + to not be that guest everyone chats about the next morning. I’m definitely taking these to heart hosting my holiday party tomorrow night! Happy Mannerly
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
My sleigh bells are totally ringing this year. How? Why? Oh darling, Bonjour + Hola is here to help this season and make sure all of your little gifts to loved ones have an extra detailed touch! Our pick? That would be a homemade Sleigh Tunes CD. Hola! click here to listen to our sleigh
Heading to a holiday party soon? Dinner soirée, perhaps? Well, instead of walking in empty handed, let’s step up our holiday giving shall we? In a cheap yet stylish manner, of course. Hola! When I was visiting Nashville over Thanksgiving, I spotted this ultra holiday fab wine holder at a store called Absolution. Um…just about
At the end of the day, there’s nothing better to satisfy any craving than a good ‘ole slice of caramel cake. Hola! But contrary to what one may believe, many people outside of the south have either never heard had a piece of an actual piece of Southern caramel cake or even heard it. Which