Do you hear that? Those whispers? Was it angels, perhaps? Oh no, dear one, it was the good ‘ole thirty whispering my way. So obviously, it was a must to celebrate…Whispering Angel style, of course!
hair and makeup by beglammed
When the clock struck six o’clock, I made sure the harpist was flowing through melodic beats in the front yard, and my two fabulous {whispering} angels via Dollface Entertainment were holding trays of hydration for the guests arrival! It was truly an angelic moment.
A few favorites from the celebratory evening?
welcome drinks from my favorite {indian} summer water, whispering angel
hydration station, hola!
angelic magic hour moments
friendship that goes back to the kindergarten days!
love this gorgeous girl!
all smiles to celebrate
oh hey, girlfran
it wouldn’t be a party without finnley pip!
bourbon shots galore, ole!
it’s my birthday!
glow bug lighting…my favorite!
wishing for the best year yet!
Craving that perfect yet out of the box way to ring in your new year? Start with the clinking of two fabulous glasses of Whispering Angel, of course! Oh, whispering thirty. Bonjour!

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