There are so many things I absolutely love about the fall! The holiday cooking, the chunky sweaters, the scenic retail windows…not to mention the #boyfriendweather. But one of my favorite activities to kick off the entire season of celebration would have to be getting up on a brisk weekend morning, meeting my fabulous NYC friends {who are actually more like family to me these days}, and trainin’ out towards Westchester for a fun-filled day of orchard-ing. Oh, yes. Hola!
Best part about the easy (less than an hour) train ride to Croton Falls? We had our go-to vino, K-J AVANT, at hand. And with it’s screw top feature, it was totally easy to pop open the refreshing Sauvignon Blanc without causing too much attention to ourselves…sans the opening pop. Cheers tribe!
We arrived to the orchards with all smiles + ease, not a cloud in the sky and ultimate determination to find the perfect apples + pumpkins galore. And although we didn’t exactly get the memo there was an apple shortage around Upstate New York, we lived every moment out there to it’s fullest!
One of my vivid memories from our visit to Croton Falls last year was waiting in the well-worth-it line for their famously homemade apple cider donuts. And although I’ve graduated with success from my daily Krispy Kreme drive-in days {I mean, honestly, who can resist the hot off the rack blinking sign?}, the donuts at this place are an absolute must! No diet regrets. So much so, I even brought a full bag that night back for my boo. #gooddeedoftheday
spice me up, hunny!
Plus, strollin’ through the corn mazes and creating innovative inside jokes with the tribal members, I was so grateful to have my Nikon bad boy at hand! Talk about the perfect fall afternoon getaway.
Oh, and then we approached the picturesque apple trees. Just as I had remembered them! Obviously, we hit up the same branches we snapped mucho pictures on last year. Same trunk, many memories!
But how can you go to a family oriented orchard and not act like the kids we all are at heart? Making ourselves at home was an understatement!
And of course, a girl’s best friend {also known as K-J AVANT} was 100% present! Not only did the Sauvignon Blanc pair perfectly with the aromatic apple taste, but it kept all of the tribal members in high spirits…and hydrated!
Whether you’re looking for that perfect orchard to kick off the holiday season spirit with friends or are just looking to enhance the entire afternoon experience, check out the orchards at Croton Falls! But don’t forget to pair the day with K-J AVANT. Both are the perfect combo to climb into the taste of fall! B+H

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