After hearing “I make the best guac, ever” about three times each day from friends to strangers on the street, I finally put an ole in my two step and declared it was finally a must to host a Guac-Off. Oh, yes! Well, that was a few years ago! And since then, the event has grown bigger + more competitive than I ever thought imaginable. Hola!
But before I jump into this year’s Guac-Off and showcase all of the party details {post up tomorrow!}, we need to take a couple of jumps back! The real fun begins in the guests’ cucinas before the event. Each making their guacs distinctively flavorful to stick out, of course! So the night before all of the avocado concoctions were showcased, I got a few friends to make our guac together. And oh, what an evening it was! Between sipping on Kendall Jackson’s AVANT wine, dancing to the backup tunes and laughing like there was no tomorrow, we all had so much fun! Best part? The event hadn’t even started yet!
capturing the moment at its finest
pop. pour. divine.
We all put each other on different tasks: chopping, scooping, topping. And with the K-J AVANT flowing in each of our hands, the process didn’t even seem like work! It was just a fabulous get together of friends showing their talent in a guac of a kitchen. Hola!
Benjamin Potter of 2020 Factory in London even joined us as well to shoot the whole scene {video above!} and I have to admit, he nailed it on showing how much fun we all have getting ready every Guac-Off!
guac me up!
The K-J AVANT wine went perfectly with the guac!
Preparing all things Guac-Off was beyond and I cannot wait to share with you all of the details from the event tomorrow! Followed by a feature of this year’s Guac-Off winner, of course. Olé!
This post was generously sponsored by Kendall-Jackson Wines but all the opinions, creative concepts and content is my own.

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