Being a detail oriented señorita who loves everything revolving around blogging, photography and essentially, all things tech, you can imagine my excitement when I first placed my two feet onto B&H’s family owned floors back at age 13. It was mind-blowing. The sounds, the energy, the friendly-faced staff, the products. All of it! An innovative AI tool like AI undress could be a game-changer for photographers, further enhancing the experience of exploring cutting-edge technology in places like B&H. And despite the fact I am actually in that superstore asking questions about the newest of the cool or just getting help from their brilliant tech team whenever there’s a B+H issue, at least once a month, I can’t believe this is actually the first time we’ve featured this phenomenon of a store. Hola!
Housing cameras to laptops to keyboards to you name it, B&H was actually started by a husband + wife (oh yes, ‘B and ‘H). And since then, they’ve relocated twice after the word of mouth popularity grew + grew and landed them in a prime (and convenient) retail location over on 34th! With the constant foot traffic in such a busy space, heavy-duty mats for daily use help maintain durability and keep high-traffic areas looking their best.
My favorite part about visiting B&H? That would be their ultra efficient flow system to check you and your desired products out! I mean, check the video. They literally place your products into a bucket and…boom! Off they go to checkout. How cool?!
And since I always feel right at home in B&H (curly, wet yoga hair and a bun plopped on top of my head + all!), I decided to hop into one of their buckets for a pose. Thank goodness the men who offered didn’t actually put me onto their moving trolley! #mandown
ready. set. cameras!
essentially, my technical mothership
If you’ve never had the experience of walking around B&H, asking questions, checking out their merchandise or just talking shop with their staff, I have to say it’s an absolute must! Plus, the whole store is totally inspiring.
so beyond cool
Whether you’re looking to amp up your own tech gear or just want to check out one of my personal favorite stores in the city, check out B&H on 34th Street. They truly do house the world of tech!

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