When I think about all of the cool people I’ve met this year, Jessica Burdon is at the top of my list. She’s hip. She’s Australian. She’s the hit on any dance floor {I can say that first hand being her partner in crime at the CP Zoo party last night!}. Plus, she’s lived everywhere + explored cultures, and beyond. But yet again, the girl never ceases to amaze me. Not only with contributing for various publishers and writing her own novel, but taking her inspiring love of Brazil and creating an entire site devoted to all of its happenings. Best part? It just launched! Hola Breaking Brazil! And with it being the week of the World Cup, I couldn’t think of a better post than to feature this rockstar of a señorita today!
Breaking Brazil is an e-magazine that celebrates all things Brazilian both inside and outside Brazil, from art to music, culture, quirks, sport, travel and love; as colorful and sunny as Brazil itself. This site connects all readers: from gringos in Brazil, Brazilophines around the world, Brazilians who miss their home and just want to celebrate it, all the way to a Southern Belle {like moi!} who has never been to Brazil, but wants to know all of the hip + upbeat happenings. Bonjour!
I had the special treat of getting to spend an afternoon with Jessica up at The Mark {cucumber martinis + wasabi peanuts, oh my!} this week to not only shoot her {and radiant personality} for B+H, but to hear all about this phenomenal launch of Breaking Brazil!
Hola! Can you start telling us a bit about yourself?
‘Oi,’ as the Brazilians say!
I was raised by English parents but in the Sydney sun, on the secluded island of Australia. But I’ve spent much of my life as an expat, first in London, then Brazil and now New York; collecting cultures and experiences as if they’re to be framed.
I wanted to be too many things when I grew up: a human rights lawyer, a fashion designer, a writer, and an event planner, to name just a few. And when I was told I could do ‘anything’, I took it to mean ‘everything.’ Because I tried them all! So greedy but fun!
What inspired you to create Breaking Brazil?
I went to Brazil for a holiday with my boyfriend. We were actually on our way to New York, but we broke up. So I stayed on defiantly for a couple of years, first in Rio then Sao Paulo.
It was the most intense, confusing, inspiring, scary, exciting time of my life. Brazil mended my broken heart, taught me to love more deeply, then it broke my heart all over again. I was in awe of the place. And I carry that with me still, like a lump in my throat.
So I spent several years writing a book about my time in Brazil. And launching Breaking Brazil last week was an overflow of that passion.
Who are your target readers?
This week it’s anyone braving Brazil for the world cup!
But after that, Breaking Brazil is a celebration.
‘Inside Brazil’ will be for anyone visiting Brazil who wants to be absorbed. For instance those who want to know the story of the Amazon tribe who discovered the açaí berry, as well as trying açaí at a juice bar. Or for someone who is brave enough to hike up to the statue of Christ rather than catching the tourist train.
And ‘Outside Brazil’ is for Brazilians living far from home, who want to celebrate all their country-men are achieving around the world.
Or for gringos who can’t make it to Brazil, but need regular doses of its passion. Perhaps they loved a Brazilian, or had a steamy affair with one. Maybe they fantasize about packing up their lives to make a home in Brazil.
Where do you find inspiration for your e-mag posts?
Brazil seems to find me wherever I go. I’ll be at a party in New York and they’ll be serving Leblon cachaça and I’ll wonder what the New York spin on the Caipirinha is. Or I’ll see ‘Made in Brazil’ on the soles of all the shoes along the high street in London and wonder about the intricacies and future of the garment industry in Brazil. Then I’ll be visiting Australia and I’ll hear Portuguese with a carioca twang all along Manly beach and I’ll wonder why Brazilians are drawn to that beach in particular.
Breaking Brazil gives me an excuse to explore those curiosities, and to return often to Brazil, to connect with the people and place.
What’s the biggest tip you have for anyone wanting to start a site/blog?
Choose a subject that you love but also something you know others will connect to, because the fun is having others respond to what you’re putting out there. It’s like writing a book, once you move past the urge to have your voice heard, and you aspire to finding a voice others want to hear, and one they can learn from, that is the ultimate high!
Tell us about your book too!
Ah yes, the real labour of love. Let me just say it is jam-packed with voodoo, ayawaska trips, supermodels, slums, parties, football, and steamy sex-scenes; a way to live out and question your every fantasy and reality. I’ll let you know as soon as I release it into the wild.
Whether you’re looking to add the newest of the cool site to your morning read or just want to check out all things Brazil through this amazing writer, check out Breaking Brazil! Happy Weekend! B+H

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