With summer arriving + the sun shining, there’s one thing I’m absolutely looking forward to: long days at the pool + beach! Hola tanning. But with the splish splashing and prancing away, there’s one {besides sunscreen} must we have to put into our beach bags. Long lasting lip gloss, of course!
Luckily, Too Faced has combined three important musts to apply to our puckers: lip stain + lipstick color + lipgloss. Who wants to carry around three separate tubes? Oh yes, this product is a mix of them all in one. It’s called Too Faced’s Melted Liquified Long Wear Lipstick! Talk about a triple threat right there. My favorite lip colors?
Whether you’re looking to flaunt long lasting, yet not overly glossy lips, check out the Melted colors! Lipstick has officially been liquified, y’all.

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