Whether I’m looking for delicious cheeses to present for guests coming over to Casa Blanca, an out of the box hostess gift or just a quick thinking of you to a domestic mate, Bedford Cheese Shop has been a recent spot for me to run in and get, well, everything I could possibly need. Hola!
Located on my favorite street in the city, Irving Place, this quiet shop is filled with exquisite cheeses, meats, chocolates…oh, the list goes on dear one! But you can’t forget about their incredibly friendly staff. Not only are they patient, but they immediately tone their cheese knowledge down to any shopper’s taste. Take this señorita for example! I pranced in with my head in the clouds and asked what their top three people pleasing cheeses were, and before any judgement was placed with my lack of fromage intelligence, they promptly pointed to the three below.
Best part? Next time you’re pushed for time or just need a simple people pleasing cheese plate for a party, pull up this post and you will be in + out of that store in 5 minutes. Bonjour! Their pics?
australian feta {perfect for bruschetta too}
vulto creamery ouleout {addiction at its finest}
challerhocker {cheese me up, sugar}
throw in some olives? why not!
this places has some of the most delicious meats to enhance the taste of your cheeses
my guest have recently been raving about the truffle honey drizzled on the corner of my cheese plates. it’s that amazing.
Whether your rushing to get ready for an upcoming dinner party or are just en route to a friends and want to brighten up their evening with a helpful appetizer of cheeses, check out Bedford Cheese Shop. It’s officially my fromage casa!

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