Hosting a party soon? Better yet, avoiding the frigid weather outside {like moi} before a big day ahead? Well, go ahead and cancel that inconvenient blowout down the road + tell your therapist you’ve met someone who’s always at your finger tips. Why…you may ask? Well hunny, GLAMSQUAD just launched this week and I’ve been dying for months to rave about these golden stylists…so here we go. Hola!
Conveniently taking appointment requests online or on your iPhone app, GLAMSQUAD was created to take the stress out of your precious time getting ready. Amen to that, sister! Plus, they take requests up to 60 minutes before the desired time, so even if you get a last minute date for tonight, one of their stylists can meet you at the Equinox locker room after a quick sweat or even at your office cubicle. They’re that awesomesauce.
So after hearing all of my friends rave about their experience, it was a must I got in on the bouffant party too…this morning actually. I had just ran into my apartment after an early morning intense sweat at SoulCycle down the road {and yes, my face was as red as my Lulu tank}, jumped into the shower + scrubbed up, and then popped out into my white cozy robe to hear my doorbell ring. 7:56am, said my clock. I thought, “wow…these glam stars are on it!” The reason be is because when I usually do Soul and then hit up a nearby quick blowout joint, I’m usually sitting in their waiting ‘hood for at least 15 minutes before I can even get shampooed. It’s worth the wait with walking out having a Cindy Crawford ‘do, but honestly having someone coming to your place and being respectful of your time before prancing over to the office for an important day ahead takes the experience to a whole new level.
I immediately hit it off with my stylist. She was outgoing + totally connected to my “I love the higher the hair, closer to heaven look…with a little glam curl…but not Shirley Temple” request. I let her do her thing while I began responding to emails to kick off the fine, yet freezing, Tuesday.
One of my favorite parts about GLAMSQUAD is they use Morrocan Oil products. And if you’ve never smelt them before…well, I highly suggest it! I’m itching to get out of my work seat as we speak to walk back into my place {aka Casa Blanca} and take a whiff. Side note: mix the Moroccan hairspray with Miss Dior’s perfume and you’ve got a compliment of how amazing you smell in about .5283 seconds.
hola girlfran
After catching up on my social media engines + go-to news related apps, I looked up to find my hair never looking better. It was a teased up volumed machine, but no helmet attached to my crown…which can sadly happen when you least expect it these days. My Southern smile grew + grew before I reached for my Nikon.
Not only was my GLAMSQUAD efficient, professional and ultra talented, but they were also respectful and made a potentially chaotic morning absolutely seamless. I’m still on cloud nine and already canceled my second workout of the day so I can show off my bouffant into the evening hours. Hola! Best part? The tip is already included {$50 blowout – totally worth it today for an important meeting!} in their services. So for chicas like me who usually carry cards, not cash, out and about, GLAMSQUAD gets it.
Whether you’re looking for a new + refreshing way to start or end your day, or just want to get a glam look at, well, anywhere you desire in the city, check out GLAMSQUAD. They’re sending out a whole new squad to make all of us look like stars into 2014! Get ready, y’all.

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