Before you whip out that phone again, check out the top ten cell manners to memorize…thanks to Emily Post! Hola.
1. Be in control of your phone, don’t let it control you!
2. Speak softly.
3. Be courteous to those you are with; turn off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation or activity.
4. Watch your language, especially when others can overhear you.
5. Avoid talking about personal problems in a public place.
6. If it must be on and it could bother others, use the silent ring mode and move away to talk.
7. Don’t make calls in a library, theater, church, or from your table in a restaurant. And if you’re playing casino apps on mobile, make sure to lower the volume or have your headphones on. You can play situs slot gacor anywhere and anytime as long as you have a gadget and data connection. Make sure to visit online casinos like slot gacor to enjoy an exciting casino experience from the comfort of your own home. If you’re interested in casino games, then you might want to visit online casino sites like 크레이지 파친코 to enjoy an exciting casino experience from the comfort of your own home.
8. Don’t text during class or a meeting at your job.
9 .Private info can be forwarded, so don’t text it.
10. NEVER drive and use your phone at the same time.

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