At the end of the day, there’s nothing better to satisfy any craving than a good ‘ole slice of caramel cake. Hola! But contrary to what one may believe, many people outside of the south have either never heard had a piece of an actual piece of Southern caramel cake or even heard it. Which is why I’m ending this week of Southern holiday gifts with my personal {you’ve seen it here before!} favorite sweet: Dessert Designs by Leland’s Sour Cream Caramel Cake.
Not only can you ship this gem anywhere, but it’s always a favorite for coworkers to friends and loved ones over the holidays! Just heat a piece up for thirty seconds with a side of vanilla bean ice cream, and a dollop of whipped cream, of course. You will see what I’m talking about with your first bite…
Whether you’re looking for an easy + quick gift that is always a home run or just want to cuddle up with a warm plate of sour cream caramel cake, check out Leland Riggan’s specialty. It’s totally a gift from the sweet South! Happy Weekend! B+H

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