En route back to the city from Outhouse Orchards, which was filled with all things apple galore, we were all craving one bakery sweet: an apple pie. And although we could have easily popped into a store + picked up one already baked, we decided to pull out our inner domestic divas and snag up the ingredients to make it at my casa instead! Hola.
Searching through Pinterest pictures to find which apple pie to concoct, I landed on one titled “Salted Caramel Apple Pie”…umm, yes please! There was no hesitation that it would indeed be the pie to create in Casa Blanca!
Not only was this recipe pretty easy, but it was entirely homemade! I would hands down make this or a similar pie in a heartbeat. Well, Baker is my last name, of course. I’m hooked!
more butter, the better
homemade salted caramel, compliments of an hola
pour me
stir me
sizzle me into salted caramel
Instead of taking away from the mouthwatering snaps below, I’ll let you scroll + see how we created this gem {oh yes, we named her “Cleo”} for yourself! And if you’re feeling really spontaneous, click here for the full recipe I found on Sally’s Baking Addiction. Bonjour!
a little lemon twang never hurt anyone
mix + match for the batch
casa blanca started smelling like a baker’s dream right about here
pile ’em high to that sky
top those apples with your homemade salted caramel sauce
we found out my rolling pin was kidnapped. we improvised.
this was my favorite part!
knitting on a chic hat
oh, hello.
smother on that butter!
always sprinkle your sugar, little mama!
it’s time for her blowout
cleo came out of the oven looking like a beauty queen. so fabulous.
this was the first slice {out of many} we all consumed that night…paired with a dollop of ice cream!
Whether you’re already planning your Thanksgiving dessert menu, an upcoming dinner party or just a Friendsgiving pie contest, check out this sweet recipe. It’s totally put me on a Baker pie high! B+H

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