Oh, hello Monday! It’s been too long, hunny. And although I could have gone one more day with sleeping past 630am before you arrived, I have to admit I’m pretty excited as to what this week has to offer! Between birthday celebrations and MoMA walk-throughs, this girl is all smiles at work today. But, I do have a confession to make! There’s one extracurricular I’ve absolutely loved doing recently and just had to share: prancing over to the Met Opera! It’s honestly so much fun, cheap {hold your breath}, and different to do with your friends. And with their great lineup this fall all I have to say is “why not?” – But if you’re not into that scene and feel intimated, scroll on down to see how to properly hold your self the moment you walk in! Oh, the Opera…such a perfect topic to discuss on this gracious Mannerly Monday! Hola.
What on earth do you flaunt into the historic building?
Honestly, you will see jeans with a peacoat + boots to post work clothes to church attire in there. Not to worry! And although it’s a no brainer to “always be overdressed rather than under,” don’t stress too much about your outfit. We are all there for the performance, not fashion week, right? Bonjour!
When to make your cameo appearance?
Although some of the show times can be difficult to arrive early with work hours, I highly suggest getting there 20-30 minutes before the curtain rises. Not only is it nice to get settled in, acclimated, read the program, it’s also a prime time to grab a well-needed glass of poison and wine down your day, opera style! But please do note if you are late they will not let you into the theater until intermission…whew! My favorite place to sit at the Met? That would be their balcony box seats. Although you only get a partial view at some moments, it’s totally worth all of the $30 ticket you paid! Plus, you literally get your own little suite with two chairs to enjoy the production. Privacy at its finest? Yes, please!
What about during the performance?
Well, hopefully you read at least a little bit of the story/background before you arrived! But not to worry, the majority of the Met shows provide subtitles on petite screens at your seat so you’re good to go. And don’t forget to untwist your wrappers + turn off your cellular before the lights go down! No one wants to be that person who made the section miss a prime moment.
Thou Shout Not Talk Until…
Wise words for any show: don’t clap until everyone else does! Especially if you’re an Opera newbie, take the potential embarrassment off your back and follow how the oldies roll. And if you feel the need to shout above the clappers, don’t forget that “bravo!” is for a single male performer’s performance, “brava!”is for a single female performer’s performance, “bravi!” is for a group of all male performers or a mix of male and female performers’ performances, and “brave!” is for a group of all female performers’ performances.
Alright, I’ll “shh!” over here now too…hola! But since I’ve been going on the regular these days, it was a total must for me to share what I’ve learned thus far! And if you ever want to go with me, feel free to give me a shout as I’m always looking for a +1 to enjoy the fabulous Opera things in life! B+H

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