“If women had 24 hours to themselves, and money was no object, what would they do?” When I was faced with this question on a recent invitation from Vita Liberata to come and celebrate a newly launched initiative called Liberation Day, I was incredibly intrigued! What would I do with my time? Between having a full-time day job, Bonjour + Hola on top, and countless young members commitments after work, it sure was a nice thought! Hola.
And believe it or not, Liberation Day is actually today! So in honor of this #living day, Vita Liberata invited editors to bloggers galore to be fully liberated. How? That would be through the New York Trapeze School, of course! Who would give up the chance to fly + be free? First timer over here…
they even had an artist doodling graphics of what our ideal day would be! bonjour
“mr. right”…haha love it
When I arrived, they asked us to all think about what we juggle on a daily to day basis, and what personal commitments cause stress in our every day lives. It was so interesting to hear hurdles + struggles from the crew! We were then encouraged to think outside the box + free our minds to be totally liberated. After we wrote down what we would do for 24 hours {mine may have included a fully loaded trip to the mother ship…aka the spa}, we each got to climb up a ladder and have the chance to fly! Living up this Liberation Day.
oh, did it look so easy from down here
saddle me up, hunny
camera ready right about now
#living this day to the fullest…liberation style, of couse
and oh, am I still feeling liberated back at my desk right now!
Liberation Day is one not to overlook! Whether you’re a busy mom, sleepless working chica or just want to brainstorm what you would do to stand up for yourself and finally have that well-needed breather, spread the word about this day. It’s totally the time to be living liberation! B+H

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