Astor Wines & Spirits? That’s a go-to for any savvy winemaker to wine drinkers galore! But above the vine of this deluxe spirits mothership, there’s a place I’ve loved to go eat + drink + think for years. Hola!
Located above its Lafayette Street shop, Astor Center is a state-of-the-art culinary facility that attracts all kinds of New Yorkers…wine lovers, mixologists, cheese fanatics…you name it! So when Bonjour + Hola hit up Astor Center’s Cocktail Chemistry class last week with one of our guest photographers, Zack Tatum, it was a must to not only capture the class experience but to show you B+H readers a little thing or two on making your own creations at home!
When we sat down into their gorgeous facility equipped with a lecture area and prime seating in an open kitchen, I was honestly a tad overwhelmed with all of our utensils sitting on the table…obviously I didn’t want to embarrass myself too much with my lack of mixology skills! But I decided to embrace the fact that I was indeed there to learn and dove right on into the chemistry evening of cocktails…bonjour!
Our stunning teacher, April Wachtel, who happens to represent Bacardi Rum as a Brand Master Apprentice for NY {no big deal!}, welcomed all of us into the class for a night of all things creative + cocktail chic!
hawaiian iced tea
Bottoms up choice for the crew to start off the night? Oh yes, please and thank you! Our introductory drink to cleanse the palettes happened to be called a Hawaiian Iced Tea. Aloha!
feel free to try the recipe above to welcome your guests into the casa…pre-#living!
Before we all got started on creating our first cocktails, April gave us a background on syrups and infusions. And with all of these utensils to help me + Zack through the class, my smile grew so big…I was ready to hola!
potions galore
mixin’ up a gem
topped with ice, of course
First up? That would be a Blueberry Thrill…olé!
j’adore to pour
you seriously have to hit the top so the cups don’t fly away!
no words!
shake it.shake it.shake it.
And although mine didn’t look exactly like others in the class, it sure did taste phenom! Pat on my own back right there…voila. #firstcocktail
qui qui
Next up? My personal favorite with the same meaning as Bonjour + Hola, that is…Hello + Welcome!
i was a cocktailed-up pro at this point…
oh here, darling
garnish me up right!
alright y’all, we’ve got a winner
come on over hunny
The entire class was also intrigued with April! How couldn’t you be? This woman is a legend + incredibly bar-talented.
Which is why I couldn’t help but interview + share more about her with y’all!
Interview with April Wachtel:
Bartending since:
I started bartending when I was 19 and did it full-time for over a decade. I shudder to think of what I made people for the first few years…as it was I couldn’t drink legally and I could barely pour a beer. People were super nice to me though from the start- I distinctly remember one guy giving me a $12 tip on an $8 drink knowing it was my first day. I said it was too much and I couldn’t accept it…he was dumbfounded…but we compromised and he left a happy customer!
I knew this was the career for me when:
I actually don’t believe in a single career- at least not for me, and not for many in my generation. I will say that the Food & Beverage industry has enabled me to choose my own unique path and for that I’m very grateful. Before I was serious about F&B, I still worked in the industry but had the flexibility to try out other interests and still make money. As I moved deeper I realized that I could hone my technical skills, develop my knowledge and experience as an educator, and ultimately branch out into sales, marketing, business development etc if I chose to, all within F&B.
I currently work as the New York Brand Ambassador for Bacardi Rum and of course teach cocktail classes at the Astor Center. For now this is a balance that hits almost all of my passion points… and that feels pretty special.
Favorite cocktail:
An old friend of mine invented a cocktail she called ‘The Mother’s Ruin’ with gin, Cocchi Americano, dill pickle brine and muddled cucumber, dill, and lemon…I adapted it for use with dry white rum… it’s savory and DELICIOUS both ways.
Can’t mix without:
Rum, naturally! Then fresh juices and good ice.
I find inspiration in:
Passion, honesty and vulnerability. The highest achievers I know and the people I most admire wear their passion on their sleeves, are honest (even if it’s not in their best interest but if it’s the right thing to do,) and understand that vulnerability is the gateway to connection, not a fatal flaw.
The best bartending advice I’ve ever received:
An old boss said that humor is more important than anything else in hospitality…she was 100% right.
If I wasn’t in the bartending world I’d be:
Teaching kids… or creating and celebrating beautiful food… or building a small empire.
Closing part of the class? April gave all of us the opportunity to create our own cocktails…oh my, hellooo creativity amongst the room!
Providing us with all the essentials to make a killer drink, the class went to the lecture “market” {hehe} table and picked up the trinkets needed to satisfy their last minute cocktail urge.
what to make, what to make…
My creation? I combined vodka, St.Germain, champagne, egg whites + a splash of rose water! And yes, I was one happy señorita by the last sip…Thanks to April’s help, of course!
i named her bonjour with the champagne + st. germain influences
zack was a tad more of a pro than me…
he even sliced to add more pizazz! winner of the table
zack’s was all things refreshing with an extra spice…total hola moment right there, which is why we named his drink hola!
And by the end of the class we were all breaking it down to create a true gem in each glass…bonjour!
Whether you’re looking for a new hip night out with friends or are just in the mood to learn more about what exactly bartenders are serving you out at night, check out Astor Center’s classes and events. They truly provide the hippest way to eat + drink + think! B+H

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