After hearing the oohs and aahs coming from coworkers biting into these new mini munchies of heaven in NYC, it was a must I followed the trend and tried my first {and current favorite!} cookie. Hola! And although I was a tad health conscious about what I was inhaling, I was reassured that even if I downed 11 of them it would still only be 140 calories. Um…yes, please!
Created by Seth Raphaeli, who traded his banking career for all things desserts + giving back, Studmuffin Desserts was launched in April and has already taken this city by storm from being sold at Cafe Angelique to William Sonoma’s Artisanal Market galore. Providing five rich + creative flavors of cookies as well as five flavors of space-cakes, Studmuffin Desserts has multiple ways to turn your frown upside down! Did I mention they’re present in the Dream Hotel’s mini bars too? Hello late night satisfaction!
studmuffin desserts founder, seth raphaeli
grandma’s maple walnut space-cakes
stylish + all things fabulous wrapped in detail
After hearing one of their popular cookies were called Jackie-O’s {my style icon in life}, it was a must I got in touch with Seth and spend time in his kitchen to see how all the magic is created. Bonjour!
After I got all settled and overloaded Seth with my hungry questions, we got to work in his kitchen to make Studmuffin’s one + only, Jackie-O’s…hola!
my mouth was seriously watering over these chocolate chip + white meringue goddesses the entire time.
Interview With Studmuffin Dessert’s Founder, Seth Raphaeli:
What inspired the Studmuffin flavors?
When developing the recipes and flavors, my goal was to make modern classics – desserts I love that bring the sense of gathering, nostalgia, comfort and most of all big flavor together in a fun experience without the usual guilt.
Are there more flavors coming out soon?
Yes we’re busy perfecting an amazing vegan chocolate cookie. It’s truly stellar and super healthy! And for the Space-Cakes we’re going to include a caramel oatmeal flavor that is just incredible.
How did you come up with the clever name?
After making cookies for a friend, she said “you’re such a Studmuffin!” – I thought sure what do you call a guy who bakes? I think it encapsulates that with a wink of the eye.
Do you think you will stay in the cookie genre or expand to other sweets?
It’s tough keeping up with the steep demand now for the Signature Cookies {esp the Sinners&Saints} and the Space-Cakes, but I’m certain we’ll bring more out soon.
Not only are Studmuffin’s all-natural and guilt-free, they’re seriously the best cookies I’ve ever tried. And being born + raised by a fabulous “Baker” {hehe}, I can fully attest these are the real deal!
Best part? We’re sharing the Studmuffin love to one lucky reader! All you have to do is insta/tweet/facebook your favorite picture of the fabulous Jackie O. {and tag @elizabethobaker + @studmuffindesserts} before this coming Monday, September 16th to win your very own Jackie-O’s. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, September 18th!
Whether you’re looking for the perfect guilt-free indulgence to serve guests at your future cocktail party or just want to show a stud in your life some lovin’, check out Studmuffin Desserts. They’re totally the little black dress of the kitchen: perfect for any occasion, of course. Happy weekend! B+H

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