The moment I heard my family would be ending our Switzerland trip with a weekend in Zurich, I immediately started googling, stalking Suisse lifestyle blogs and searched for potentially anything I could find on what were the top five chocolate shops to pop into while visiting. Well…I could barely find a thing! Obviously, this gave me quite the incentive to track down a genius who had the knowledge of the top chocolate competitors in Zurich. Found her! Hola.
Christina Fryer, a London native turned Zurich chocolate queen via Sweet Zürich, showed my family around {in her view} the top five chocolate shops in town. Now, I’m not talking about the big dogs…the point was to see who the bespoke chocolatiers were in town that many people don’t know too much about! This week on Bonjour + Hola, I will be passing along Christina’s info to you over five posts with the five top places we visited that day. First on the tour? That would be the fine + divine, Truffe.
While we were walking down a stone path in a little alley near The Clock Tower, we approached this petite shop with a sign reading Truffe on the window in white. You can imagine my excitement as we pranced in ready to indulge!
Truffe’s owner, Elizabeth, showed us around her store pointing out her favorites and explained how they were all made. The sweet sins she was describing all sounded so fabulous I couldn’t wait to taste test!
chopped chocolates from the jars…mmm!
She said every Monday the chocolate jars are filled with bark {flavors of green tea to spice chilli!} and by Wednesday the jars are empty. One of her biggest fans? That would be the one and only, Leo DiCaprio. Thank goodness we made it there in time to sample before they all disappeared!
truffe’s owner, elizabeth
After {very seriously} trying to figure out which chocolates we wanted to purchase, Elizabeth wrapped up our picturesque box, tied a crisp ribbon, hand stamped our Truffe bag and wished us well on our chocolate excursion!
Between the shabby chic looking shop to the delectable chocolate {green tea was my favorite!} to be tastefully sinned, all I have to say is it’s a must to drop into Truffe and see Elizabeth! B+H
stay tuned for our second pick tomorrow!

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