Not only the ideal time for planning holiday weekend trips, seeing friends and having breakfast in bed, President’s Day weekend is the perfect way to get organized for the week, shop ’til you drop and my personal favorite: planning your work week breakfasts. My system? It all starts with a double Nespresso in the AM. Hola!
canasuc. le lait. nespresso. coppa. appregio.
But you can’t pair a double espresso without something fabulous. I mean, who wants a tummy growling at the office? These two recipes are my favorite to keep me full and all proteined up to take on any challenge:
Whether you’re trying to transition into being a morning person or just want to spice up your short work week ahead, go check out Nespresso’s life changing machines and my two favorite breakfast delites. Soon, we’ll all not be stressed, just nepressed! B+H

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