Growing up with a solid group of friends in Nashville, it has been beyond amazing to see what directions they’ve all taken with their careers, and their brilliant successes. One of my dear friends, Caroline Randall Williams, has always been my go-to girl for all things literature or even on how to throw a proper Southern Shrimp Boil. But this girl continues to amaze me. She’s recently teamed up with her mother, Alice Randall, known for her exquisite writing, top hit songs and best selling books such as The Wind Done Gone, to write a book all ages can enjoy this holiday season called The Diary of B.B. Bright, Possible Princess. Hola!
the diary of b.b. bright, possible princess authors: alice randall and caroline randall williams
caroline signing my copy!
Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift to give the little princess in your life or just want to discover the world of B.B. Bright, check out this royal delight! B+H

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