In between speakers at the Alt Design Summit Conference in Salt Lake City earlier this year, I could help but notice the coolest iPhone cover staring at me. Being the curious one of them all, I just had to ask this fashionista to my left where she bought it from! After introducing myself to Dayna Winter, who not only writes the amazing Your Yoko blog and is the designer / owner of Dudley & Bea, her answer to follow was even more intriguing! She also works as the communication manager at Gelaskins, which produces not only covers for phones, but for laptops, iPods, iPads…you name it! And of course, I just had to learn more!
Started in 2005 and based in Toronto, Gelaskins allows your to express your individual style and customize your one of kind art to display on any digital device! Hola. Best part? Each case only costs about $15! And according to Nylon, “now your phone can change clothes as often as you do”!
Like anyone else livingĀ in the city, I’m always asked “where do you work?” Assuming my answer is pretty simple: “entertainment pr by day…blogger by night!” The immediate question to follow is “what blog?!”…then…”bonjour and…what?!” So, after spotting Dayna Winter’s iPhone case at Alt I came up with the following solution to help make explaining Bonjour + Hola easier to new readers! Hehe…
My Gelaskins creations?:
Laptop Case:
iPhone Case:
Now when I’m blogging away at Starbucks or out and about on the scene, I’m not only giving B+H free advertising but I’m making it easier for others to understand how to spell the bizarre name I created! Hitting a few birds with one stone? Count me in!
Gelaskins allows you to express yourself, promote yourself and be yourself on the cover!

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