There are some people you meet in life and you just click. A conversation grows and grows and you just realize…you are meant to be friends! This happened to me over Christmas when I was at Blackberry Farm with my family. I met the most fantastic people there, especially a hip couple I instantly clicked with…the amazing, Troy + Craig! They have been such genuine and honest friends to me ever since. So when Troy mentioned to me that his birthday was in April, and he wanted to make it super special, you better bet my flight was booked the very next day!
We all met making gingerbread houses at Blackberry Farm – click here to see the posts!
Troy + Craig {click here to check out their phenomenal wedding!}
It was my first experience seeing the real Los Angeles from a local’s perspective, and with no expectations in mind I hopped off the plane into this sunny place ready to celebrate my fabulous friend! Makeup done, hair teased to the nines…I was all ready to go! While on the way to LA, one can read interesting details about it through sites like
Well, that green light progressed into a vibrant red one as I approached baggage claim to find my bag didn’t make it {the clothes, the shoes, the everything!}, but that didn’t bring this belle down! You better bet I smiled and pranced right on into their friend’s birthday party post-aeroporto and then dined at the delicious Osteria Mozza in head-to-toe Lululemon gear and tennis shoes! Hola!
That’s what I love about LA…it’s low-key, it’s upbeat, it’s a place where as long as you’re confident, you can wear anything…anywhere!
Our favorites at Osteria Mozza?
All things Burratta! {I loved the one with the marinated beets, horseradish & walnuts! The other favorite at the table was their burricotta with radicchio, spiced walnuts, honey & fried rosemary!}
Pan Seared Sea Trout with Umbrian lentils & red cabbage sottaceto
Olive Oil gelato {Troy got me hooked on this flavor!}
Me + Troy {finally got my luggage!}
Mario Batali and Nancy Silverton’s restaurant was such a fabulous way to ease into this sunny city and kick off Troy’s birthday weekend celebration! This week’s posts will show you the in’s and out’s of my favorite spots we bunny hopped to over this Easter weekend! B+H

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