Between printing off the next day’s itinerary every night before I hit the hay or color coding all of my to do lists, I would say that this girl is efficiently organized. But, I’m always looking for new chic {with a touch of Jackie O.!} ways to take my organizational skills to the next level.
When I first saw Laurel Denise’s 2012 planner, I just about fell off my rocker. Not only because the planner comes in a plethora of colors (including Bonjour + Hola’s signature gray and white colors that we use for our stationary all the way to our press kits), but because it’s strategically laid out in a way that gives you full access to anything you could possibly need to organize your schedule effectively.
To back up a bit, Laurel “Lolly” Smith is the owner and designer of Laurel Denise, which was created in 2005 because of a dream that she had. Seriously! She had a dream where she was using tools to craft the unique creations that are now seen through Laurel Denise’s designs. And trust me, her talent was seen even from the inception of her company going live. She carries variety of accessories all the way to home decor products to choose from, but my favorite is her unique and crisp paper. In particular, her planners!
Sorry (wait, I’m actually not! Haha), but I just can’t stop about this planner. For starters, it has the entire month’s calendar always at your view on the left, a space to write your week plans down the middle, and even more space on the right to add personal notes or inspirational quotes to get you through the day. Can you see why my mouth dropped?
But if you’re anything like me, you can’t wait until January to get a little Laurel Denise into your life. First thing I did? I just had to purchase this fabulous planner! I can already tell it will be thrown into my purse and on the tops of counters at meetings in the future…not to mention the perfect holiday gift for my friends. But the second thing is that I found is (thanks to Laurel for sending “Not Your Ordinary Average” blog a PDF) a party planner guide! You can click here to download and have all of your holiday parties planned before you hit “send” on your Paperless Post invites!
O. is for Organizational…With a touch of Onassis!

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